Archive for May 13th, 2009

OK, this is actually pretty sweet: Twitter Blog: We Learned A Lot. A response (a second response, in fact) More details of the explanation (scalability, confusion) A temporary compromise (more details below) A statement of intent to provide a more permanent solution And some words to make it clear they understand Really, how many calls would […]

Twitter replies


Well, at least Twitter hears:  Twitter Blog: Whoa, Feedback!. As you can see over there, they’ve heard loud and clear the message coming from everywhere (including my previous posting, though I’m only a snowflake in the avalanche). What’s very weird, though, is that Twitter still has not offered any explanation as to why they made […]

The folks at Twitter have lost their minds:   Twitter Blog: Small Settings Update. #twitterfail #fixreplies I suspect I’m speaking to three kinds of people: Those still trying to figure out what this Twitter business is all about Those who like it, but don’t  quite understand why it’s so cool Those who know exactly what I’m about […]